All group classes are held in Bathurst, NSW.
Class Times
Sunday (all year): 9:30am – 10:30am
What To Bring to Class
Leash (soft cotton webbed or leather is best)
Waste disposal bags
Treats to reward your dog for its good work! – Cut them into small sizes so they’re easy to swallow. Choose something soft: cooked chicken or hard cheese are good natural options. Soft training treats that can be cut into small pieces are also good option.
You must provide a current certificate of immunisation for your dog prior to commencing classes.
Classroom Rules
- Your dog relies on you to keep it happy and safe – you are responsible for ensuring your dog is under your control at all times.
- All dogs must be kept on-leash at all times.
- Give your dog time to get used to the other dogs in the class. It can be exciting / scary / aggravating for dogs to suddenly be in a group of dogs they don’t know, and they can misunderstand each other’s intentions. Let them have some space first so they’re settled enough to make friends up close.
- Your dog must be vaccinated to attend classes. A dog that has not had its annual vaccination is a health risk to other dogs, and is more likely to pick up an illness or disease itself. Let’s keep your dog healthy and happy!
- If you have an unspayed female dog and she’s in season, please keep her at home. You’re very welcome to pick up classes again afterwards.
Ready to book?
Call Ingrid on 0488 462 963 or email