About Ingrid

Ingrid has been operating under the Best Paw Forward banner since 2017, using her expertise developed over a decade of studying and working with dogs to help people in the Bathurst area get the most out of their relationship with their dogs and improve their dogs’ behaviour using clear and respectful communication dogs can understand.

Growing up in Bathurst dogs have always been a major part of Ingrid’s life, play, boundaries and trust the foundation for her relationship with them.

Ingrid is National Dog Trainer’s Federation certified, and holds a Pet Obedience Trainer’s Certificate.

Ingrid believes that although different dogs may need different approaches to learn, if they have good communication with a loving and committed owner, all dogs are willing to learn and the relationship with their human will blossom and grow as a result.

When not working with people and their dogs on good communication and behaviour skills, Ingrid volunteers as a presenter on the 2MCE-FM community radio shows “The Opera Box” and “Great Sounds of Music”.

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Book your session here


Call Ingrid on 0488 462 963 or email ingrid@bestpawforwardbathurst.com.au

Ingrid and Pepin - Best Paw Forward Bathurst.